Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity

Bias Frequently Asked Questions

A bias incident is any hurtful, discriminatory or harassing act that targets individuals or groups based on perceived or actual identity. To be considered a bias incident, the act is not required to be a crime under any federal, state or local statutes, nor does it have to violate university policy.

Reporting a bias incident is a way to ensure the university is aware of issues that can impact campus climate. Reporting bias incidents also ensures that members of our community receive necessary support and resources. Finally, this information provides the university with a record of current issues on campus and enables the ability to track trends and determine educational responses.

Any member of the Brown University community can report a bias incident using the online reporting form, emailing or calling (401)-863-1800.

If you are not affiliated with Brown University but need to submit a bias report regarding an incident that includes a member of the Brown community and/or took place during university affiliated activities, you can complete the online reporting form, email or call (401) 863-1800. 

Yes, Brown University encourages all faculty, staff, students, visitors, and guests, acting in good faith, to report suspected and/or actual bias incidents.

Yes, you are welcome and encouraged to report an incident that you think has already been reported. We value each personal perspective about bias-related incidents. These perspectives help the BRT during the review process.

Brown University community members can submit bias incident reports through the online reporting form. If you have questions about reporting, email

Bias Incident Reports are critical to understanding the nature and occurrence of bias on our campus and to developing appropriate support services, educational programming, and policies. Although it is not mandated to report bias, we strongly encourage you to report bias you learn about, witness, or experience. Depending on their role at the University, some campus members may be required to report some kinds of bias under other processes of laws such as the Clery Act and Title IX.

The reporting party receives a written confirmation email including available campus resources. The Bias Review Team reviews the report and provides referrals and additional supports as needed. The report will be routed to other appropriate departments/university units when necessary.

The Bias Review Team (BRT) consists of campus community members who convene to ensure that members of the Brown Community who have been affected by bias have access to reporting mechanisms, resources, and support. The BRT does not investigate, arbitrate, or replace other Brown procedures or services. Its purpose is to supplement and work with campus units to connect those who have experienced bias or those who have witnessed such acts to appropriate resources and supports.

Not all incidents of bias violate the law or Brown University policy. However, at times they are out of congruence with our community values of mutual respect and inclusion. The BRT enables Brown University to connect community members who submit a report to resources and support, maintain records of bias incidents, and analyze trends in an effort to continually improve our campus community with regard to our values.

The Bias Review team consists of representatives from departments across the univeristy, including: Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity, Office of the Dean of the Faculty, Division of Campus Life and Student Services, University Human Resources and Department of Public Safety (DPS) and others. Incidents may be referred to DPS in instances where a potential crime may have occurred, safety concerns arise and when necessary to obtain information.

No, submitting a bias incident report will only initiate a review by the Bias Review Team (BRT). It does not initiate a formal investigation.

No, bias incident reporting is different from Title IX and Discrimination and Harassment processes and does not require written notice of complaints to “complainants” and “respondents.” Written notice including available campus resources will be provided to the individual(s) reporting incidents.

Brown University has existing policies and processes for reporting acts of discrimination and harassment. The Bias Review Team does not replace or overrule those or serve as a disciplinary body. The BRT, however, may refer reported incidents to other appropriate university offices and personnel as needed. Reports of bias incidents that appear to violate Brown University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy or federal, state or local laws, will be referred to the Office of Equity Compliance and Reporting.

Yes, however, we encourage the inclusion of identifying information as it can assist the University in a complete understanding of alleged incidents. We will make every effort to respect and protect your privacy. However, in certain circumstances, we cannot guarantee anonymity and may need to involve other campus units. For example, any reports including gender-based violence or harassment will be referred to the Title IX and Gender Equity Office. Similarly, reports that contain information that indicates you or someone else is at risk for physical harm will be referred to the appropriate campus units.

Please see below for a list of confidential campus resources.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
(401) 863-3476
Clinicians provide confidential crisis support, follow-up appointments, and 24-hour on-call services for any Brown student. Located at Page-Robinson Hall, Room 512.

Chaplains Office
(401) 863-2344
The Chaplains are available for personal counseling and support. Call to make an appointment. Located in Page-Robinson Hall, Room 410.

Brown Emergency Medical Services (EMS)
(401) 863-4111
Emergency response available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Sexual Harassment & Assault Resources & Education (SHARE) Office
(401) 863-2794
Confidential services include support for a survivor or the friends of a survivor, help exploring options to address the incident (such as filing a complaint, if that is the student's choice) and educational programs for the student community. Located on the third floor of Health Services at 13 Brown Street on the corner of Brown and Charlesfield Streets.

University Health Services
(401) 863-3953
Confidential medical care, testing and treatment. Located at 13 Brown Street on the corner of Brown and Charlesfield Streets.

Ombuds Office (Graduate & Medical Students Only)
Provides an independent, confidential, neutral and informal resource for faculty, staff, postdoctoral fellows and associates, graduate students and medical students who have concerns arising from or affecting their work and studies at Brown.

Brown University is committed to creating and maintaining an educational, working, and living environment that is free of any form of unlawful discrimination and harassment. Our Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy is intended to provide a fair, prompt and reliable mechanism for determining whether Brown University’s Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy has been violated and, if so, to provide appropriate resolution. If you are reporting an incident or concern, please use the Discrimination and Harassment Intake Form, email or call or call (401) 863-1800.